User Counts

Return a user count for items related to a user.

Options to query the data

user_id"1256"Logged in user idThe user id to query. If this field is null or set to 0, then the user id will default to the logged in user.
utc_offset"-480"0 (UTC time)The UTC offset of the time frame to query for. This is used specifically for returning the number events in the last day.

Returning user count object

notificationsThe number of notifications / alerts the user currently has.
bookmarksThe number of bookmarks the user has. i.e. Companies, Contacts, views, etc..
casesThe number of cases the user currently owns.
workcasesThe number of cases within the users work queues.
eventsThe number of events for today that has not passed. The UTC Offset is important for this to work correctly for your time zone.
tourIf the tours have been completed.